
August 28, 2008

We just hit 100 members, YES!!!

In April we had 9, today 100…a fast turnaround and long may it continue

edinburgh book festival

August 25, 2008

A little disappointed I didn’t get to the book festival more often this year. I was ill for the start of the festival and then the weather really took a turn for the worse the rest of the festival, I only managed to make it along twice and hand out leaflets outside. I think handing out leaflets outside is a good way to gather more members for the site and generate interest in our community.

A few things that disappointed me while handing out leaflets

  • Staff from the festival were very dismissive of me. I had thought if they were really into books they would have at the very least taken one of my leaflets, especially as I was saying “book swapping site” to them. They not only were pretty dismissive, some of them outright ignored me. Now I can understand this to a degree as they did have a few people outside advertising shows, but as far as I could tell…the times I was there I was the only one actually handing out leaflets for something book related. So a bit miffed with the staff at the festival…
  • The amount of tourists I saw that were almost hit with a car outside the festival was worrying to say the least. Now I was only outside about 3 hours this year but I think every 10 mins a tourist would just walk out, how no-one was hurt is a miracle. In saying that Edinburgh drivers coming up to Charlotte Square aren’t the most patient. Especially the day 5 of them sat and beeped horns at an old woman who was taking to long to cross the road…an old woman with 2 walking sticks. I mean what was she going to do, drop them and run.
  • At one point I felt kinda sick and shaky so I went inside the festival to get something to eat. So I bought a can opf lemonade and a biscuit (an empire biscuit to be precise cause I found it funny the guy behind the till didn’t know what I meant when I called it an empire biscuit. I said “been in catering long then” to which I got a bemused look. No more bemused he got when he told me for a can of lemonade and biscuit I owed him £3. £3. Remind me to take food next time I go.

To be honest if it weren’t for my site and handing out leaflets I would give next years book festival a miss. Unfortunately I won’t be able to, like I say it’s just too good an oppurtunity to let other book lovers know about the site. Mind you by next year hopefully the site will be a bit bigger, sister site should be up and running by this time next year.

Nigerian School Books

August 18, 2008

Standing outside the book festival handing out bookmarkers I met a guy who was promoting an African Children Stories show happening later that day. I got chatting to him and he let me know something quite interesting.

Apparently the rate of inflation in Nigeria has made many things unaffordable for a lot of people, one of them is school books. He’s been spending his time trying to find second hand school books (I don’t think the subject matters or even age range) to send to Nigeria where they’re screaming out for these kinda resources.  Education is a big thing in Nigeria (where isn’t it?) and this would be a huge help for a lot of kids.

I said I would help anyway I could, so…

Does anyone know anywhere or anyhow to get a load of second hand school books to send to Nigeria?


August 15, 2008

Well after a late night, the forum is up and running.

Sent out the 1st newsletter today as well and later tonight I hope to add about 15(ish) books to the site. If you’re at the book festival tomorrow, I’ll be the one in the We Swap Books t-shirt handing out leaflets.

Now I asked this question in the forum, so I’ll ask it here as well…

As some of you may know I have 2 more sites in the planning stage.

  • A version of this site for the USA
  • This places sister site that I’m playing close to my chest for now

This is not to mention a complete redesign for the site, most likely in the new year. I have a question though. In terms of the USA site, would you guys prefer it if it was a standalone site or mixed with the current site?

Would you like to be able to swap books with members in the states or not?

Let me know what you think because it will influence how I build the USA site.

today’s a big day

August 13, 2008

I hope to launch the forum today and send out the first newsletter for the site.

A lot of work involved in both (as I’m sure you can imagine) so fingers crossed everything goes ok.

Also today the site is being promoted on Gumtree and Facebook and hopeful of being featured in a national newspaper very soon…fingers crossed. Weather permitting I’ll also be at the Edinburgh Book Festival this Saturday (16th) handing out free bookmarkers, so feel free to say hi.

In preperation for what is a big day I’ve added 14 new books to the site and plan to add around 20ish later today as well.

EDIT: Ok, bit of a small problem with the forum and coupled together with the fact I went and seen Batman for a 3rd time last night, I’ve not got the forum copied over yet. But fingers crossed today I will. Newsletter should come out Friday.

cool book covers site

August 5, 2008

I found a pretty cool website that lets people look at some amazing book cover designs and rate them. Pop over and visit the site, you’ll find yourself looking at the designs for hours.

some small things

July 17, 2008

just a quick update on the site this time around…

  • 2 new sections added in the shape of the spirituality & religion section and the politics section. When the site was launched I didn’t want to have too many sections with very little books. So I decided to lump a great many of them into the section titled “Other”. I received an email asking for a religious section and decided to separate these 2 subjects from the other section.
  • The first inaugural newsletter is on the way. The hold up at the moment is I wanted to include a book review in the first newsletter and I suck at writing book reviews…just awful. So what I was going to do instead was ask someone else to write it. I’m still looking for someone, asked a few people and no luck yet, but fingers crossed something happens soon. By the way if you or someone else you know would like a stab at it, let me know (reply in a comment here or send me a message from the WSB Site).
  • You may have noticed the changes to the scores on the site, it now includes your swap total as well. This is taken from the amount of feedback you have, so if you have a lower swap score than you thought you should have, this is why. It’s based on the amount of swaps you have feedback for, not just the amount of swaps. Feedback is not mandatory so sometimes the scores won’t match. Also I hope it will encourage everyone to leave feedback after each swap.
  • More promotion. You may have seen our ads in Facebook and Gumtree. Over the next few days I will be adding a StumbleUpon icon on the front page of the site, any suggestions for any others?
  • The Edinburgh Book Festival is on the way
  • As is the new forum. My 9-5 job at the moment is super hectic so I’ve not had the change to build the forum as quickly as I would like. However I do think this would be a big addition and improvement to the community feel on the site so hopefully I’ll get a chance to work on it soon enough.

Other than that, nothing much to tell. I’ll post a couple more not site news posts on this blog, more thoughts from this old head of mine.

If you know anyone with a load of books, books they don’t want anymore or even just books they’d like to recycyle and they’re in the UK, then please tell them about our site at

Any comments, questions, suggestions, I’m always glad to hear from you.


June 25, 2008

a great podcast that does have a bit on book reviews and poetry, some music as well and live performances. I was delighted to find this because most of the book podcasts out there are always in such a formal and stuffy way so I was glad to find this which is much more relaxed and it is great, interesting, check out the podcast on iTunes and here is their site

Thorough thumbs up from here :o)

in the next few weeks

June 25, 2008

I hope to add some more functionality to the site, including

With the 100% feedback scores under everyones names I don’t think it’s a great indication on how reliable we all are, so I’m going to add another score that just highlights how many completed swaps you’ve been involved in. I hope it’s a better indication.

I’ve been to a good book sale so I’m going to post some more books personally

I am working on the first newsletter that I hope to get out before August. Working on content and design at the moment, so keep your eyes on your inbox

I’ve added an extra page to let everyone know a forum is on the way…I hope to have this added by August as well but my jobs super crazy right now so September is probably a more realistic deadline for that. Lets see how that goes anyway.

I’ve been publicising the site in more places lately and we’ve attracted more users recently which is always good. Keep your eyes open because I hope there will be many more users and books on the site.

Well this is just an update really.

I’ve climbed Google Search Rankings with a great pace actually. If you searched in the UK for swap and books, we were on page 12. Now we’re on page 2. Obviously with Google that could all change in the next hour, but I’ve decided to take this as positive and be happy that we’re finally moving in the right way.

You may have noticed some email errors this week, this was caused by my stupidity to be honest. There is a setting called SendMail and on my home PC it’s set to False, on the web it’s set to True. I set the web version to false by mistake and caused problems this week…sorry. Needless to say it’s been fixed and it’s all working again.

We’ve had some swaps take place, the site is working and moving real fast compared to speeds a while ago. Everything is good and I’m happy everything is improving.

In the next month the Edinburgh Book Festival launches it’s program. I’m looking forward to this because I do intend to be at the festival this year, big time. Maybe see you there.

Also either in July or August I hope to send out the first newsletter, so keep an eye out for that.

Any comments, questions then please let me know.